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governor-general of australia artinya

contoh kalimat "governor-general of australia"
  • The Queen's representative, the Governor-General of Australia has a separate flag.
    Perwakilan Ratu, Gubernur-Jenderal Australia memiliki bendera yang terpisah.
  • The tour coincided with Hollingworth leaving the diocese to become the Governor-General of Australia.
    Perjalanan itu bertepatan dengan waktu Hollingworth meninggalkan jabatan keuskupannya untuk menjadi Gubernur Jenderal Australia.
  • 1931 – Sir Isaac Isaacs is sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia.
    1931 - Sir Isaac Isaacs dilantik sebagai Gubernur Jenderal Australia pertama yang kelahiran Australia.
  • The Governor performs the same constitutional and ceremonial functions at the state level as does the Governor-General of Australia at the national level.
    Gubernur menjalankan fungsi konstitusional dan seremonial yang sama seperti Gubernur Jenderal Australia pada tingkat nasional.
  • Governor-General of Australia Quentin Bryce attempted to travel to the funeral but found herself delayed in the United Arab Emirates on the day it was due to take place.
    Gubernur Jenderal Australia Quentin Bryce berusaha terbang menghadiri acara pemakaman ini, tapi mengalami penundaan di Uni Emirat Arab pada hari ketika acara pemakaman tersebut dilaksanakan.
  • Families of the deceased were joined by the Governor-General of Australia, Major General Michael Jeffery, the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, Chief of Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove and the Chiefs of the Army, Navy and the Air Force.
    Keluarga korban didampingi oleh Gubernur Jenderal Australia, Mayor Jenderal Michael Jeffery, Presiden Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Perdana Menteri Australia, John Howard, Kepala Pasukan Pertahanan, Jenderal Peter Cosgrove dan Kepala Angkatan Darat, Laut, dan Udara.